Are you interested in getting involved in helping reward student success? Now is the time, as our annual Senior Scholars Banquet is right around the corner. Each year, nearly 200 eligible seniors are rewarded with a $500 scholarship, and they don't even have to apply to receive it. That's right, we find every senior with a 4.0 GPA (or higher) who is within the top twenty percent of their school's class and invite them to a banquet to be presented their scholarship by their donor.
Don't wait! Get in the game today by using
this form to select your senior. If you have given in the past, we have already pre-populated your business or individual name in a dropdown box for you to easily select, followed by the selection of your senior. If this is your first time providing a scholarship, use the donor dropdown box and select "I am a new donor." You can add a few additional pieces of contact information, and we'll be in touch. Regardless, make sure to choose your senior(s), as they are getting claimed quickly. Upon claiming a senior, you can select additional seniors using the same process. However, only one can be selected at a time per form submission.
If you have a difficult time recognizing a senior, you may know their parents or workplace.
Click here to see a complete list of seniors, along with their parents' names and workplaces, if available. If the senior selection dropdown list seems a bit difficult to read/search,
click here to see the remaining list of available seniors with sortable options by school or by last name.
Is it not the right time financially? No big deal. We can sync at a later time to settle up financially since everyone's fiscal years may vary, and budget cycles are not all the same.